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DAD SuperHero Cake
Dark Chocolate Pretzels 6-Pack!
Dessert Shooter 12 Pack
Domino Stuffed Cupcake PACK
Donut Dip It Kit
Father's Day Grill Cake
Funfetti Cake Pops 6-Pack!
Gluten Free Cake Pops 6-Pack!
Gray Chocolate Carousel T-Shirt
Heath Bar Pretzels 6-Pack!
Hershey Kiss Stuffed Cupcake PACK
In person cake tasting (Cake Included in your package from one of our partner venues)
In person cake tasting (Cake NOT Included in Package)
Inside Out Peanut Butter Stuffed Cupcake PACK
Jumbo Chocolate Chip Cookie 6-Pack!
Jumbo M&M Cookie 6-Pack!
Jumbo Nutella Chocolate Chip Cookie 6-Pack!
Jumbo Oatmeal Raisin Cookie 6-Pack!
Jumbo Peanut Butter Cookie 6-Pack!
Jumbo S'Mores Cookie 6-Pack!
M&M Pretzels 6-Pack!
Mickey and Minnie Cookie Kit
Milk Chocolate Pretzels 6-Pack!
Mocha Stuffed Cupcake PACK
Mudpie Stuffed Cupcake PACK
Non Pariels Pretzels 6-Pack!
Nutella Cake Pops 6-Pack!
One of Each Color Chocolate Carousel T-Shirts
Oreo Cake Pops 6-Pack!
Oreo Stuffed Cupcake PACK
Peanut Butter Cake Pops 6-Pack!
Peanut Butter Chip Pretzels 6-Pack!
Pina Colada Cream Pie Kit
Pink Chocolate Carousel T-Shirt
Rainbow Sprinkles Pretzels 6-Pack!
Red Velvet Cake Pops 6-Pack!